Grégoire is a research scientist at the University of Luxembourg and Deputy-Head of the Parallel Computing and Optimisation Group (PCOG). He has more than 15 years of research experience in artificial intelligence techniques applied to unmanned autonomous systems (e.g., drones), satellite communications, vehicular networks, bioinformatics, high-performance and cloud computing.
Pascal is a professor at the University of Luxembourg. Head of the Parallel Computing and Optimization Group and Special Advisor to the Rector for the University High Performance Computing.
Daniel is a research associate at the University of Luxembourg. He participated in eight research projects and worked for private companies as a software engineer. His current research interests include bio-inspired algorithms, robotic swarms, evolutionary game theory, and computer simulations.
Florian is a doctoral researcher specialized in optimization with a previous industrial experience as software develloper in advanced analytics designing optimization solutions for Life Sciences and Energy management.
His research interests are in parallel computing and optimization, and more specifically in swarm intelligence.